Published on May 24, 2004 By O G San In International
The creative juices haven't been flowing in the past week. It happens to us all I think, sometimes you just can't come up with something to write about. Anyway, I can't let the blog lie idle (especially as I'm perched right on the edge of the top forty, about to fall onto page three of the list of top users).

I was thinking of writing something about the Israeli invasion of Rafah but then I read this piece by Uri Avnery Link and I relised that anything I wrote would just be a pale imitation of his work. So I thought it was better just to provide a link to his article. If just one person clicks on this and reads Uri Avnery's work for the first time, then I'll be a happy man.

Can't say that I know much about the man. I've been reaing his stuff online for a year or two now, he's a regular on "Counterpunch". He's a veteran Israeli peacenik journalist, that's the extent of my knowledge of his background. For me he has been the most insightful Anglophone critic of Israel's occupation of Palestinian land since Edward Said passed away. Even better than Robert Fisk, and believe me, that's saying something.

So anyway, enjoy!

on May 26, 2004
I clicked and found the article very powerful.
on May 26, 2004
Hmm, who could that be?