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Rationality: Yesterday, Today, Always
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Published on August 23, 2005 By
O G San
I very rarely do these link based-blogs but I wanted to share this video with as many people as possible. This is American fundamentalist Pat Robertson calling for the murder of Venezualan president Hugo Chavez:
Where does one even start with this extraordianry call to jihad against Chavez? Well, I suppose one could reflect on Robertson's breathtaking hypocrisy, that he, supposedly a man of God, is calling for the murder (and let's not use euphemisms) the
of another human being. Mr. Robertson's "flexible" interpretation of the ten commandments reminds me of an old saying about Northern Ireland: "far too much religion, far too little Christianity."
But, even allowing for Pat's hazy recollection of Moses' dos and don'ts, his statement still displays all the inate logic and clear thinking of a drunken ten year old:
There was a popular coup that overthrew him [Chavez].
No, Pat, there was a CIA-backed elite coup.
And what did the United States State Department do about it? Virtually nothing.
Apart from being the only country in the world to recognise the new regime.
And as a result, within about 48 hours that coup was broken;
That coup was "broken", Paddy, by a popular uprising.
He has destroyed the Venezuelan economy
If by "destroyed" you mean "distributed his country's extraordinary oil wealth a little more equitably", then you're bang on the money.
he's going to make that a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism all over the continent.
Ah, yes, well-known Islamic fundamentalist Hugo Chavez. I think he's the one behind 9-11 myself.
You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war.
Assassination: the cost-effective way to regime change! In today's "downsized" world, labour-intensive means of toppling foreign governments, such as the use of large land-based invasion forces, are so passe.
And I don't think any oil shipments will stop.
Oh, you don't "think" so. Great. I'm sure the Big Man has given you some sort of reassurance on that point. I have faith.
But this man is a terrific danger
Were you looking in a mirror when you said that part?
This is in our sphere of influence, so we can't let this happen. We have the Monroe Doctrine, we have other doctrines that we have announced.
Oh, you've
them? That's OK then. It's fine to be an imperialist, as long as you announce it up-front. I can't stand those imperialists who are in denial. They need therapy, you know, a bit of time on the couch to bring out their inner coloniser.
We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator
Chavez being one of those fiendish democratically-elected dictators. Don't you just hate those tyrants who think they have a right to rule just because the people voted them into office? They're the worst.
It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.
Yeah, that'll get it over with. Can't imagine the millions of Venezualans who voted for Chavez holding his murder against the US.
Mr Robertson's murderous ramblings are the product of a deeply sick mind. But every country has its nutters, I'm just gald that Robertson has no influence with the people who run the US. Oh, wait...
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Pedro D
on Sep 01, 2005
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