Published on May 2, 2004 By O G San In International
If there's one word I'd like to see removed from political discourse, it's "evil". I'm sick of hearing the e-word all the time, tired of reading it evrywhere. These days, it is most commonly used in reference to enemies of America - Saddam is evil, Bin Laden is evil etc etc

My problem is not that the use of the word is innacurate. The aforementioned gentlemen have done more than enough to merit the description "evil". No argument there. But I do have an issue with the way that some on the right use the term "evil" to describe America's enemies as if the word in itself was sufficient to explain their emnity.

Those who frequently speak of "evil ones" or "good versus evil" tend to be blackwhiters, people unwilling or unable to accept nuance. For these kind of people, the world is divided into a good "us" and an evil "them". There is no reason for them to try to explain why there are terrorist attacks against the US, it's just because some people are evil. End of story.

For the neo-cons and their fellow travelers using the word "evil" when talking about terrorism has become so common that it's almost an instinct. It was leading neo-con David Frum who coined the memorably ridiculous phrase "axis of evil" in an attempt to drum up support for Bush's aggression against countries which the US didn't like. Neo-cons seem to enjoy this kind of demonology. America, they assure us, is fighting evil in Iraq. Perhaps some day soon, evil will also be fought in Iran and North Korea.

When asked to explain why young men would hate America so much that they would die attacking it, whether in New York or Baghdad, Bushies often use the word "evil" as if that in itself were a sufficient explanation. Yes, of course Mohamad Atta and his like were evil, but is that as far as analysis goes? What made them do this evil thing? Do you even care?

When people on the left try to explain why America is the target of terrorism, they are met with a torrent of abuse from the right. It's as if the discussion of some subjects is considered verboten by the right. Even to raise these issues in the same breath as terrorism, even to hint at a connection, will earn you a volley of abuse.

US support for Arab despots? APPEASER!

US troops in Saudi? TERRORIST LOVER!

Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza? WIMP!

For many on the right, there can be only one explanation for 9-11 and all the other terrorist attacks. Evil. For these people, America has never behaved aggressively or dishonestly in the world. It has never expolited those weaker than itself. It has always been good, so those who fight it are evil. There is no need for further analysis.

But once you start to look at this position for a while, you see how limited it is. If evil is the only explanation for terrorism then why have the number of attacks increased in recent years? Why has membership of terrorist groups gone up? The only explanation is an increase in the level of evil. Perhaps more Muslim children are being born with some sort of "evil gene" than in the past. This is the only explanation which such a narrow mentality allows.

I'm sorry, but this just isn't good enough. It's 2004, not the Middle Ages. Using "evil" as an explanation, rather than merely a description, is pre-Enlightenment dogma. Centuries of intellectual struggle have bestowed on us the ability to deduce, to rationalise, to think. I want to think, to debate, to challenge. That's why I find "evil" as an explanation so inane. It tells us nothing about why terrorism occurs, or more importantly, how to stop it.

There are some on the right who don't want this debate. They don't want to think about why so many people hate America in particular and the West in general. Once you've accepted the evil explanation then, conveniently enough, there's no need to question America's actions either past or present. It suits conservatives to keep the discourse at a playground level of goodies and baddies.

In the short-term it may be psychologically gratifying to put your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and mutter "evil" under your breath. In the long-term though, it's counterproductive.

If Americans really want to win this war on terror, then they should stop shooting and start thinking. Prevention is better than cure. It's better to create a situation where a man doesn't feel the need to reach for an RPG rather than having to deal with him after he's decided to use it.

At the minute, America doesn't so much have a war on terror as a war on terrorists. The US kills what it would describe as "terrorists" in Fallujah but to what end? After all, America's enemies actively welcome martyrdom - it strengthens their appeal and increases the bitterness. When a US soldier kills an Iraqi insurgent, it's the insurgents who win, not the Americans.

I don't believe that the war on terror can ever be won. Terrorism is a technique, not an ideology. As long as someone is sufficiently politically aggrieved about somnething, there will be terrorism. But America can defeat Al-Qaida or at least weaken them to such a point that they're no longer a threat.

Not the Bush way though, with all the arrogance and aggression. Rather than under-cutting Al-Qaida's appeal, Bush's foreign policy plays right into their hands. Every dead Iraqi and dead Palestinian brings us closer to civilisational war on a terrifying scale. This is precisely what Bin Laden wants.

It's vital that America fundamentally re-orient its foreign policy. There needs to be a paradigm shift, from seeing the world as America's plaything, to viewing the world as our common home. There also needs to be specific foreign policy changes. If the US could somehow extricate itself from Iraq, could stop propping up the rogues gallery of hand-chopping torturers known as "Arab leaders", and could help to resolve the conflict in Palestine, relations between the US and Islam would improve greatly. Young men wouuld not feel the same impetus to join groups like Al-Qaida.

Of course, there would still be some who felt that Allah was telling them to strike down the infidels. But they would be so isolated that fellow Muslims would look at them and think: "they're evil."

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 03, 2004
Just because something sounds like a wacked conspiracy theory doesn't mean its not true. Conversely, just because the fact that its a wacked conspiracy theory doesn't necessarily make it untrue, doesn't mean that its not a wacked conspiracy theory that is not necessarily true.
on May 04, 2004
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
- Edward Abbey

300 Local Governments Slam PATRIOT Act
by Jim Lobe

The tiny Martha's Vineyard hamlet of Tisbury, Massachusetts, this week became the 300th local or state government to denounce the USA Patriot Act, even as President George W. Bush was campaigning for Congress to make the Act permanent before its expiration next year. Tinsbury's voters Tuesday joined New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago – the country's three biggest metropolises among others – in approving a resolution condemning provisions of the Act as threats to basic civil liberties.

As of Thursday, the 300 local and municipal jurisdictions – including the states of Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, and Vermont – that have passed such measures represent more than 51 million people, or one in every six U.S. residents, according to the Massachusetts-based Bill of Rights Defense Committee which has been working with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other groups to marshal public opinion against the Act.

Of the 25 most populous US cities, 15 – including Philadelphia, Baltimore, Detroit, Dallas, Denver, San Jose, Seattle, San Francisco, and Milwaukee, and Washington, D.C. – have approved resolutions urging that the Act be amended or repealed. Hundreds of other communities and states are currently considering similar resolutions, while the last December, the National League of Cities called for the Act to be amended. New York's resolution, approved in February, is among the most far-reaching. Approved by the City Council, Resolution 60 urges local agencies, the New York Police Department (NYPD) in particular, not to subject New Yorkers to secret detentions without access to counsel, to protect the free-speech rights of individuals, and refrain from enforcing federal immigration laws or engage in racial or ethnic profiling.

The impact of the City Council's vote on security is likely to be put to a major test when the Republican National Convention meets in New York Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. Large-scale protests are expected. Nancy Talanian, director of the Defense Committee, said that the growing grassroots movement against the Act represented a serious challenge to the Bush administration that could affect the upcoming elections. "This movement will play a role in helping people make informed choices in this election year," she said.
on May 04, 2004
an op-ed piece ("Fundamentally, Bush Works on Faith" by Peter Schweizer and Rochelle Schweizer) published in the la times on april 11, 2004 may explain how 'evil' became such a buzzword. "His readings influence his language. One morning shortly after Sept. 11, Bush got up and read Proverbs 21:15 (New International Version): "When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers." Soon after, he was calling the terrorists "evildoers."

i wouldnt be at all surprised to learn osama bin laden draws inspiration and motivation from something similar in the q'uran.

i just opened my hymnal to the last verse of bob dylan: "if god's on our side, boys, he'll stop the next war."

great article
on May 04, 2004
It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

International Inquiry Into 911

9/11 Skeptics
For those visitors new to this subject, 9/11 skeptics are citizens who do not believe the official “caught-by-surprise,” “intelligence failure” or “incompetence” explanations for the tragic events of September 11, 2001. They also do not accept the cynical exploitation of this official story to plunge the planet into “endless war,” resource theft and totalitarian control by endorsing a “war on terrorism.”

In Toronto

In the months following 9/11 about a dozen 9/11 skeptics in the Toronto area coalesced into a group and adopted the name “Toronto Inquiry Into 9/11.” They mounted two successful public events at the Bloor Cinema. One member of the group was Barrie Zwicker, producer of The Great Deception series on Vision TV. In late October 2003 he drafted a proposal for an international inquiry. In December his departure from Vision TV enabled him to offer himself for a leadership role. The International Inquiry Into 9/11 became established as an organization in January, 2004. Seed monies to launch it were contributed by Zwicker and other concerned Canadians and there is now a small staff advancing the Inquiry’s work on a daily basis.

Radio Interview with David Ray Griffin, 'The New Pearl Harbor' author
Dear friends,

For those of you who have not read David Ray Griffin's amazing new book, The New Pearl Harbor, you can now listen online to an excellent 40 minute interview with him which was aired on KPFA in Berkeley, CA. This book, which presents the facts surrounding 9/11 in a most balanced, dispassionate way, is already creating huge waves. It discusses what the
Bush Administration knew, when they knew it, and how the current investigation is playing out. To hear the interview, go to

You can order the book at:

The over 40 reader's reviews on demonstrate clearly that this is a book which is waking people up in a very big way. I encourage you to at least click on the above link and read some of the reviews towards the bottom of the page. The New Pearl Harbor is rated five stars out of five, and has reached's top 100 best seller list several times. This book has the potential to transform this entire world through exposing the depth of deception at high levels. Please help spread the news. Great things are happening in the world!

With very best wishes,
(9/11 Inquiry supporter)

Appeal for Funds from Phil Gillies, Fundraising and Promotion Coordinator

The International Citizens' Inquiry Into 9/11 in Toronto May 25-30 urgently needs your financial support. This ambitious project is citizen-conceived, citizen-run, and citizen-funded. People like you and me are going to make it happen. My immediate and urgent appeal to you is for a donation as large as you can make it. The need is now. Our Inquiry could, in this U.S. election year, impact on world events. The Citizens' Inquiry brings together a broad coalition of people who question the U.S. Government's version of the events of 9/11. Your contribution, large or small, is vital to our success. Make a donation today and ensure that this Inquiry is front-page news, as the San Francisco Inquiry was in March. To make your donation: Mail a cheque or money order (made out to to:
7B Pleasant Boulevard, Box 958,
Toronto, ON, Canada M4T 1K2.

Telephone the Inquiry at 416-963-5562
or (toll free in North America) 1-866-234-7438

and using your credit card to donate.
We can accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

You may also email us at

We thank you for your generous support. We look forward to saying thank you by sending you a special acknowledgement letter and receipt. If you wish it, we would also like to offer you a personalized certificate suitable for framing with the text, "I Helped Expose the Truth About 9/11."

Should you have any questions, please call Phil Gillies, Fundraising and Promotion Coordinator at (416) 963-5562, toll-free at 1-866-234-7438, or email

Thank you for your help!
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